Confidence and Self Esteem Issues
If you lack confidence and self belief and need help, Hypnotherapy and EFT are two of the most effective ways to help you to increase your confidence to achieve your goals. Help you to pass your driving test, attend an audition, help to be a better sports person or go for the promotion you really want. If you lack confidence to do a presentation or you have social anxiety Hypnotherapy can help to create a different mindset, to enable you to live differently. Self belief really does start with you, if you don't believe in you - why would anyone else believe in you.
If you struggle with self confidence for speaking in groups at work or out socially, I can help and support you to become more confident, calm and in control to be able talk without fear. Imagine being able to do really good presentations at work or go for the promotion that you really want without worrying about looking foolish, making mistakes or forgetting what you need to say.
Anger Management
Do you ever feel so frustrated with people who don't seem to be listening to what you have to say, your kids not doing as they are told, work getting too much, your partner getting on your nerves - you feel like you're going to explode? What about traffic and queues, they are so frustrating! If you feel that you have anger issues then Hypnotherapy can help to resolve the way you feel, enabling you to take back control and be calm and collected.
Fears & Phobias
Scared of spiders, heights, needles, dogs, public speaking, holes, flying, being sick etc. etc. There are so many fears and phobias that people seem to suffer from these days. The thing is, a fear is a learned behaviour and therefore can be unlearned. However, avoiding what you fear can then make it become a phobia. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and motivational Hypnotherapy are both fas and effective and could help you to overcome your fear or phobia. If you have any issues with a fear, get in touch and take back control.
Other Issues
There are many other issues including pain management, sleep disorders, trauma and PTSD, habit disorders that Hypnotherapy can help you with. Do you find it hard to switch off and relax or you try to get to sleep and your mind just doesn't stop?
If you would like to know more, just get in touch for a confidential, free telephone consultation.