
The gravity of 2 or more Micro stressors

What are Micro Stressors? Micro stressors add to the day to day things that cause us to feel anxious or stressed. Sometimes know as the straw that breaks the camels back, just another little thing to stress you out. Micro stressors, also known as daily hassles or minor stressors, are small everyday events or experiences…

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Burnout and why it can negatively impact on your life

What is burnout and how you can reverse it to feel  Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It is a serious condition that can have a significant impact on your health, your relationships, and your work. Symptoms of burnout The symptoms can vary from person…

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How I can help you lose weight!

Want to lose weight? It’s not about what you eat, it’s about what goes on in your head. Think about it, from a young age we are taught to associate every emotion with food. Comfort yourself, eat chocolates, you’ve done well so celebrate with chocolates or a meal and wine. You’re bored or lonely eat…

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Understanding The Negativity Bias of Your Brain and the 5-1 Rule

What is the Negativity Bias of Your Brain? Recently I had an operation on my wrist and when I was waiting to go to the operating theatre, I had a couple of hours to kill and I had taken a new book to read called Mindfulness for Health. What I found really interesting and have…

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